Contact Us

ホーム Quote/Inquiry Form

Quote/Inquiry Form

For customers planning to use Kinko’s Japan Store,
please use this form for inquiries regarding services, estimate requests, etc.

If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.

tel: 045-222-7025(9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays)
website: https://www.kinkos.co.jp/service/y004-en/

Important points
Please note that if the contact information you enter is incorrect, we cannot reply to your inquiry.

Also, depending on the contents of your inquiry, please understand that we may need some time or may be unable to provide a response.

Regarding personal information
The personal information that you enter shall not be used for any purpose other than responding to an estimate or inquiry. Please confirm “Regarding the handling of personal information” below before agreeing to enter your personal information.Regarding the handling of personal information